Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Marshmallow Sherbet Cones

Homemade Marshmallow Cones

The other day we went to the shops, our big outing of the public holiday, as we were all sick. As a special treat we bought sherbet cones. While eating them later at home I remembered making sherbet  and marshmallow as a teenager and thought how hard could it be to combine it all to make these?!

But ahhh....the mess that followed!

What you need:

  • 1 packet of ice cream cones. The smallest ones are best
  • 1 quantity of sherbet
  • 1 quantity of marshmallow
  • Spinkles to decorate


1 cup sifted icing sugar
1 teaspoon citric acid
1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda

Sift and mix ingredients together


1 cup glucose syrup (corn syrup)
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2 1/2 tablespoons of gelatine
a few drops of food dye if wanted - although sprinkles covers the entire top

In your mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of your water to the gelatine and mix well
Add the sugar, glucose and other 1/2 cup water to a heavy based frypan or saucepan. Mix well to combine.
Heat over a medium flame. DO NOT STIR ONCE IT IS ON THE STOVE.
Cook for 8min or until a drop of the mix forms a soft ball when dropped into a little bowl of water.
Pour into mixing bowl and mix for about 10min or until mix has tripled in size.
Unbeaten marshmallows

Little Mr A patiently waiting for marshmallows to appear

Putting it all together

First put a heaped teaspoon of sherbet into each cone if you are using stand up cones. Otherwise make sure you don't have little kids around to make a mess with the sherbet while you leave it unattended, and spoon the sherbet in as you go.

Spoon into piping bags - use disposable ones as it is messy enough anyway! I added a drop of food colour to the piping bag edge before putting marshmallow in. I won't do it next time as the sprinkles cover the marshmallows.

I had to change Little Baby J's nappy so had to pause marshmallow making for a bit - and the lumpy look of the marshmallows is the result. If you pipe it straight away you should get a nice elegant looking marshmallow top!

Next dip the top in sprinkles, we went for dinosaur sprinkles and multi coloured sprinkles, but I had thought about doing cachous (you know the little silver balls) but thought against it after looking at the mess Little Mr. A was in just with the marshmallow.

While I cleaned up I told Little Mr. A he could "lick" the bowl (you can't lick a bowl of set marshmallow very sucessfully!! heheheh!! :-D ) - while I wasn't looking he tipped the rest of the sprinkles in....

I had some left over marshmallow mix so I piped it into a small bowl of cornflour - it leaves you less sticky than icing sugar. There were more but somehow they disappeared before I could take a photo, Little Mr. A had a blue tongue but promised he didn't eat them!

So there you have it, cheap and yummy sherbet cones. I think a treat once every few months or for special occasions will be ok, not making a habit of making these!

Next time I will try making mini ones, I saw some mini waffle cones in the markets I'll pick some of those up next time as these were HUGE!

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