Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ickey Sticky Gooey Goo

Homemade Gooey Stuff

Little Mr A loves blue. Anything blue, everything has to be blue. So I made him some blue "gooey stuff"

I've made it before and I'll make it again, its awesome stuff but doesn't keep. And it makes a mess. Alot of mess. And double the mess you are thinking of!!

That is why this big black tray is so important. Use a baking tray if you don't have a big black plastic plate!

Skills Used:
  • Fine Motor endurance
  • Following instructions
  • Finger isolation

You will need:
  • A big tray for the goo to go (and stay!) on
  • Fabulon (laundry starch)
  • Cheap craft glue - PVA glue. I bought mine from the $2 shop. I bought a few different bottles including a clear PVA glue (pictured) and one bottle didn't have the chemical reaction that made goo. 
  • A container for a measurement unit
  • Food dye if wanted
  • Plastic spoon to throw away once done - I didn't want to use something that I put in my mouth to stir this mix
  • Water

Pour equal parts of water, glue and fabulons together. I got Little Mr A to pour the ingredients into the cup. A little bit of a selfish reason, I didn't want to get messy!

Stir mixture together. You will feel it start to stick together more and turn gooey.

Add your colour and enjoy!!

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