Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bacon and Cheese Rolls

Homemade Bacon and Cheese Rolls

My Little Mr A LOVES bacon and cheese rolls. Back when my Hubby did FIFO (Fly-in Fly-out) and I was working I didn't think much of spending $4 on 4 rolls to have as a snack. Well how times have changed and the word BUDGET is now part of every day vocabulary, I've started to think that these rolls are a tad expensive. So I went on a quest to make my own. 

I went to taste.com (my favourite internet recipe site) and looked it up. I wanted to make more of a roll and not flat breads, so I kept them relatively round.  I portion of bread made 12 rolls. I have since made another batch and made 16 rolls, but they were quite small so I think I will stick to 12 rolls next time. Also take them out of the oven when cheese is just starting to turn brown so the bread is really soft!

Cut up dough. 
Little Mr A was helping me to roll into a nice round shape and put it on the floured tray. He also wanted to do a rectangle shape and a circle.   

Cost $0.50 (about 1/2kg of flour and a bit of yeast, oil and water)

I buy bacon when its cheap and freeze it as it freezes well and it
usually goes in cooking as a cheap way to flavour meals. 

This was 4 slices of short cut bacon, about 200gms and about 1 cut of cheese, about 150gms.

Little Mr A loved helping to sprinkle all the toppings on!

Bacon and cheese Cost: $3.50

Cost Total : $4 for 12 buns. 

That is ONE THIRD of the cost in the shops! Plus you get the upper body work out of kneading the dough and the smell of fresh bread baking in your oven. So simple and easy to make! And its super easy to make while you got kids, as there is alot of waiting time between steps so you don't need to stay in the kitchen for an hour. I baked these between cooking dinner, feeding baby and cleaning the kitchen!

Next I'm going to try to make the bread pizza's, the ones that are even more pricey in the shops! Bakers Delight charge $4 per pizza!

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